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Some useful notes regarding the Joomla.

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 Finally after a lot of searches and personal analysis I found how to add the button menu to open and close the menu when screen is lower than 780.

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Joomla3-Google Font 120x90

The Protostar Template for Joomla 3 comes included with the base Joomla installation. Admin interface allows you to set only the heading font with the google font. I can show you how to add a google font for the body tag. 

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Non indicizza

Se la indicizzazione non funziona, potrebbe essere un plugin di tipo content che crea il problema.

Nel mio caso PHP Direct, l'ho disabilitato e la indicizzazione è stata portata a termine senza errori e senza rimanere in progress come accadeva prima.


*** working in progress ***


stay tuned...

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Joomla mette a disposizione dell'utente il controllo se visualizzare un modulo basadosi sul menu.

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I am really entusiast to suggest you a good Syntax Highlighter for Joomla.

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In Joomla 3.02 there is not the option to align the logo to the center. Here what I have done.

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Joomla 3.x was released on september 2012. I am using Joomla 3.x for my own websites and and also for some friends websites. Here some addon used.

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I menu rappresentano il principale strumento per poter navigare all'interno di sito. Ho avuto modo di testare diversi menu più o meno belli, più o meno flessibili, più o meno personalizzabili. Maxi Menu CK rappresenta uno dei migliori menu per Joomla.

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The plugin byman Sliders is a joomla extension developed by myslef for some popular sliders.

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Joomla ha il modulo di Login che presenta un "limite"  quando quest'ultimo viene inserito come item di menu: dopo il login la voce di menu resta login e non logout.

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TinyMCE is delivered without a source coloured. It's poor edit the html without the source highlighted. In order to highlight the surce code I found 2 plugins for TinyMCE: codemirror and codemagic. Let me explain how to add the plugin "codemagic" on your Joomla.

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Joomla Add-onArticle useful for all starting to use Joomla 1.6.

As you know extensions, module, template are not compatible because from 1.5 to 1.6 a lot of changes introduced.

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If you are a Joomla user, for sure, you have already noted the button "Insert Predefined Template Content" .

Here you will find how to add the custom template content for TinyMCE.

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Template Beez Joomla 1.6 I am working with the new version 1.6 of Joomla.

I am trying to customize the beez 5 template and I think it's useful write some notes about the customization process. Last modified date : 4th april 2011