
  • From UTC to Local Time Zone

    One of my latest experience has been to show the correct date time to russian guys.

    In order to manage the right local date for each country I have done the following 3 simple steps:

    1. Store the date in GMT format (Greenwich Mean Time)
    2. Declare the momentJS in my webpage
    3. Use the momentJS function to convert the date

    Browser will do a right conversion


  • Run javascript from bookmark

    Recently I found a solution to run a javascript to temporary apply changes on a web site.

    I had 2 cases where I changed some stuff in 3rd party webpage. Of course it's a temporary change until the page is reloaded.

    In one case I need to remove the class "hidden-print" because the print invoice do not print some info. I need that but the supplier never fix it.

  • Snippets Javascript

    Some useful Javascript Snippets