Categoria: VS Code
Visite: 9824
Stella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattiva

Some of tips and tricks for this great editor.


Duplicate Row

 Move Line up and down

Vertical Selection

Comment  /*  */


Country Language


Navigate the code already visited

EMMET tab-key

if does not works tab to expand stuff emmet like div#myid>h3>ul>li*7 ... would be expansed to
<div id="myid">
  • Open the preferences and  set triggerExpansionOnTab=true


Folders (windows)


Settings Folders/Files Path (windows)

VS Code copy Settings and Extensions to another PC

In order to copy the config I used to do the following:

- New clean VS Code installation

- Copy all files from %appdata%\Code\User

- Copy all files from %userprofile%\.vscode\Extensions

note: settings and extensions are compatible between Windows and Linux.






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